Wow 2 weeks without Dear So and So, you know I've got some built up! Here's my little weekly therapy session. Have something you want to say to someone but didn't get a chance to say it to their face? Then here's your chance!
Dear Construction Zone and Workers:
I do realize that your job is hard, hot, and heavy and that you work long hours with little down time. But when you fail to reopen the lanes prior to DFW 5:00 traffic and turn the interstate into a billion dollar parking lot then I have no sympathy for you when cars drive by and honk and give you the finger. You already make 6 lanes worth of cars go down to 2 lanes, so you can imagine the frustration of all of us. Don't look so offended.
Dear Trash Workers:
Again I realize you have a rough and hard job. Smelly trash, horrible weather working conditions, no respect, etc. But is it really that hard to put the trash can back in the area of where we are told to leave it for you? Must you leave it right in the middle of the driveway blocking my entrance to where I have to park in the middle of the street, get out and move it and then pull in? Really!? Really?! Really?! You are leaving me with no choice but to make our trash extra smellly this week. Ok not really but I sure thought about it!
Dear Worker that works for Poppa:
Wow! That's all I can say about you. I realize that you are only 22 and going to be a young dad but life happens and it's time to man up. I was floored that you approached Poppa ( a man that is all about family, being there, and loving them) and asked him to lie for you to your pregnant girlfriend and tell her you had to work and couldn't make the sono to find out what ya'll were having. If you are wanting to get out of things and asking people to lie for you this early on I can't imagine what kind of father you're going to be in 5, 10, 15 years. Seriously people is it that hard to be there?
Dear Inner Tube:
I'd like to introduce you to my big butt. You two will be seeing a lot of each other this weekend so be nice and get along. No embarrassing flip overs or anything like that on the river. Let's just chill and relax together and have a good time. That is if the hurricane and storms don't mess up your encounter.
Dear Hurricane Alex:
Could you please just stay way out there in the ocean and not make land fall? We all have big plans this weekend and want to enjoy the 4th of July. No one likes a party pooper and you were not invited. If you must make land fall could you stay down South with our Amigos? Sorry Mexico, just sayin'.
Dear Dude that insisted on talking during the National Anthem at the ball game:
Dude you have no class and it's so frustrating to see American's not giving America respect but demanding it from visitors. You sir deserved the booing that you received and so much more but I'm a lady and a lady shows class even though I wanted my country self to come out and whack you upside the head.
So what are your Dear So and So's for the week?
Happy Hump Day Ya'll.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Talkin Tuesdays Link Up and Follow Party
Welcome to 2sdays! Hosted by Bree Bee's, Texas Monkey and Ten Talents.
What is this 2SDAYS besides another link up and another MeMe? Well it's more than just that.
This is a fun, DOUBLE-link up, where we get to know a little about each other AND follow our new friends. You can link up 2 urls- like blog, twitter, facebook or even etsy!
This week the topic is "What has changed since you had children?" Do you not work now, did you cut your hair, do you go to bed at a different time, do you have different music playing in your car these days? It can be anything, fun, serious, weird, practical. We want to know, we want to know you!
Here are the rules:
- Follow the 3 hosts. BreeBee's, Ten Talents & Texas Monkey
- You have the choice of leaving the 2 things that has changed since you had kids sentences in the Link Name, (1 in the blog URL and 1 for your twitter URL) we've made it long enough where you can save yourself from writing a new post and just leave it here. OR Write a new post on your site with the 2 Fun and Wacky Sentences.
- Grab a button for your post or your sidebar
- Visit and follow as many blogs, twitters, and facebook pages as you'd like leaving lots of comment love.
- Have Fun!
The goal is to HAVE FUN, meet new people, spread the word about each other and continue to making wonderful blog connections! We appreciate any tweeting support to welcome other to this link up as well!
So what are my 2 things:
- I used to get regular pedicures and have my hair highlighted. Now I use that money to buy the monkey clothes and shoes. I'd rather spend it on her and have found a bottle of hair color from Walmart suits me and Poppa just fine. I still get pedicures occassionaly as a treat but not regularly.
- I used to always want to go out and do something, movie, dancing, festivals, anything. Now I'd rather take Monkey out during the day to kid friendly events and come home to a rented movie and bottle of wine. I still enjoy time with Poppa but prefer it to be at home. We work though to make sure we go out at least once a month just the two of us and to try something new and different. It's a push but I enjoy it when I do.
Happy Tuesday Ya'll.
Talkin Tuesdays Link Up Topic
Hey Blogging Buddies,
Tomorrow is Talkin Tuesday's Link Up where you can link up 2 links, etsy, blog, twitter, facebook, etc. All you have to do is include 2 sentences of that week's topic so we as bloggers that follow you can get to know you better. It's the friendships that matter right!!
Last week's was Wacky and Funny moments from the past week, there were some very humorous ones, like leaving milk in the cabinet and sending an email venting about a co worker to the wrong person. OH MY! See the fun you're missing if you aren't linking up.
This week it's "What's Changed Since Having Kids?"
We want to know what has changed about you since you've had your kid or kids? I can't wait to share with you mine, and I really can't wait to find out about you!
Look forward to it, post goes up at 11PM tonight.
Happy Monday Ya'll.
Tomorrow is Talkin Tuesday's Link Up where you can link up 2 links, etsy, blog, twitter, facebook, etc. All you have to do is include 2 sentences of that week's topic so we as bloggers that follow you can get to know you better. It's the friendships that matter right!!
Last week's was Wacky and Funny moments from the past week, there were some very humorous ones, like leaving milk in the cabinet and sending an email venting about a co worker to the wrong person. OH MY! See the fun you're missing if you aren't linking up.
This week it's "What's Changed Since Having Kids?"
We want to know what has changed about you since you've had your kid or kids? I can't wait to share with you mine, and I really can't wait to find out about you!
Look forward to it, post goes up at 11PM tonight.
Happy Monday Ya'll.
Friday, June 25, 2010
For You Friday - A Photo Book Giveaway For EVERYONE!
Today my candy necklace tutorial is being shown over at Becca's awesome site, Blue Cricket Design. I'm such a huge fan of her's and would love it if you stopped by over there to take a look at it. I was so honored that she is featuring this tutorial.
Now if you're new here or stopping in from one of the awesome Friday Follow Blog Hops like New Friend Friday or Friday Follow or Blog Frog Hop or Social Parade then let me tell you Friday's here are fun. It's all about you and what's more fun that you? Well maybe some giveaways, tips, things I think you will enjoy, advice, and more. I'd love to have you as a new follower but only if you are interested in crafts, DIY projects, humor, honesty, tutorials, and fun.
The only thing I request is to let me know why you've decided to follow me, that lets me know you read my posts, looked around and made a decision, not just clicked follow to add numbers, it also encourages me to come visit your blog, follow back and come back often.
I am wanting to develop friendships and more interested in relationships with my readers and not just numbers. Deal?! Good now on to For You Friday.
Last week we did a video camera giveaway, did you win? You have to check your MacKid newsletter to see if you did, you have until tomorrow to contact me or someone else wins. So since we did a giveaway for one person last week, how about a giveaway for everyone this week? Yep you read that right, everyone is getting one of these.
Our friends at Pixable are back with another great deal for Macaroni Kid readers. Last month they gave you a 50% off coupon, you think half-off is good? How about FREE! That's right, if you've never tried Pixable, now's the time because you can make a FREE photo book (just pay $2.99 for shipping).
Pixable is a super-easy way to create photobooks (and cool mosaic posters) from photos you've already posted online on sites like Facebook, Flickr and Picasas. Pixable let's you import the pictures and create your own photobook in minutes.
Here's a great offer for Macaroni Kid readers:
Pixable is offering Macaroni Kid readers a free photobook for first time users. So how do you get it?
Sign up for our newsletter by clicking here and leave me a comment on this post letting me know you did and I'll email you the code to enter to get your FREE GIVEAWAY Photo Book! How cool is that, I'm ordering one for my monkey's birthday, what are you going to do with your free book? They make great gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, showers, and so much more.
Happy Friday Ya'll.
For more information, please visit:
Now if you're new here or stopping in from one of the awesome Friday Follow Blog Hops like New Friend Friday or Friday Follow or Blog Frog Hop or Social Parade then let me tell you Friday's here are fun. It's all about you and what's more fun that you? Well maybe some giveaways, tips, things I think you will enjoy, advice, and more. I'd love to have you as a new follower but only if you are interested in crafts, DIY projects, humor, honesty, tutorials, and fun.
The only thing I request is to let me know why you've decided to follow me, that lets me know you read my posts, looked around and made a decision, not just clicked follow to add numbers, it also encourages me to come visit your blog, follow back and come back often.
I am wanting to develop friendships and more interested in relationships with my readers and not just numbers. Deal?! Good now on to For You Friday.
Last week we did a video camera giveaway, did you win? You have to check your MacKid newsletter to see if you did, you have until tomorrow to contact me or someone else wins. So since we did a giveaway for one person last week, how about a giveaway for everyone this week? Yep you read that right, everyone is getting one of these.
Our friends at Pixable are back with another great deal for Macaroni Kid readers. Last month they gave you a 50% off coupon, you think half-off is good? How about FREE! That's right, if you've never tried Pixable, now's the time because you can make a FREE photo book (just pay $2.99 for shipping).
Pixable is a super-easy way to create photobooks (and cool mosaic posters) from photos you've already posted online on sites like Facebook, Flickr and Picasas. Pixable let's you import the pictures and create your own photobook in minutes.
Here's a great offer for Macaroni Kid readers:
Pixable is offering Macaroni Kid readers a free photobook for first time users. So how do you get it?
Sign up for our newsletter by clicking here and leave me a comment on this post letting me know you did and I'll email you the code to enter to get your FREE GIVEAWAY Photo Book! How cool is that, I'm ordering one for my monkey's birthday, what are you going to do with your free book? They make great gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, showers, and so much more.
Happy Friday Ya'll.
For more information, please visit:
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Thursday's Tutorial & I Made it On Tip Junkie
Have you seen this awesome "Mom I'm Bored" Jar from Somewhat Simple? I love it, I don't have kids old enough to need this yet but I'm tucking this one away for future use when I do start hearing those 3 dreaded words, Mom, I'm Bored.
Go check it out.
So I'm sure most of you know who Tip Junkie is right!? Well I'm so excited to share that she has featured my Monkey Themed Birthday Party on one of her party posts today. Please go check it out and show her some love. Click Here
The MacKid Coby Snapp Video Camera winner will be announced today via the newsletter. I wonder who won? Are you subscribed? You have lots of giveway chances available to you if you do. I have some great ones in store. Just click here to sign up.
Have you read about Blogmania yet? Texas Monkey is so excited to bring you It's My Party Giveaway. You won't want to miss this one, I have some great prizes lined up for the winner and many more to add.
And Don't Forget Talkin Tuesdays where we are getting to know our readers and gaining followers all in one stop blog party link up.
Come back tomorrow for For You Friday, where it's all about you!
Happy Thursday Ya'll.
Go check it out.
So I'm sure most of you know who Tip Junkie is right!? Well I'm so excited to share that she has featured my Monkey Themed Birthday Party on one of her party posts today. Please go check it out and show her some love. Click Here
The MacKid Coby Snapp Video Camera winner will be announced today via the newsletter. I wonder who won? Are you subscribed? You have lots of giveway chances available to you if you do. I have some great ones in store. Just click here to sign up.
Have you read about Blogmania yet? Texas Monkey is so excited to bring you It's My Party Giveaway. You won't want to miss this one, I have some great prizes lined up for the winner and many more to add.
And Don't Forget Talkin Tuesdays where we are getting to know our readers and gaining followers all in one stop blog party link up.
Come back tomorrow for For You Friday, where it's all about you!
Happy Thursday Ya'll.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Blogmania Event Sept 2010
I am getting really excited about Blogmania!! WHAT?! You don't know what Blogmania is? Allow me to expalin.
You’ve arrived at exactly the right time to explore lots of new blogs, all of which, ARE GIVING AWAY A VERY SPECIAL BLOGMANIA GIVEAWAY September 15 & 16.
You literally have the chance to win hundreds of prizes. And when I say hundreds I mean hundreds, right now the total to date is well over $19,000 worth of prizes.We’ve done all the work for you. No hunting or surfing for just the right blogs. Every blog you visit will have more links for you to follow, all of them with a special BLOGMANIA giveaway and just waiting for you to drop by.
Each blog will have a number like 25 of 175 and each new blog link will have a number. These numbers will allow you to keep track of which blogs you’ve visited and how many are left to visit. Now really, isn’t this the easiest thing ever! AND SO MUCH FUN…
What's more is each blog will have a theme, maybe it's Pampering yourself, or Orgainzation, or things to make your life easier! What's our theme? I'm glad you asked.
Texas Monkey Blogmania "It's My Party!"
Remember! The special Blogmania prizes are only available to win via the participating host blogs and thanks to the generous sponsors. The number of prizes you could win is only limited by the NUMBER of blogs you visit.
I have got some of the greatest sponsors contributing to this giveaway.
You are in for a real treat. This is going to be the biggest giveaway ever on this blog and you won't want to miss it! It will be over $100 worth of party prizes and goods!
It's My Party! You will have a chance to win all things needed to pull off a great party!
Please take a moment to check out the current sponsors for this event. Don't worry there will be more too!!
Sponsor #1
At The Two Savvy Sisters : A place for all things crafty and paper related. Here you will find that these Two Savvy Sisters are happy to be able to share with you all hand crafted and personalized stationery, note cards, custom party designs by way of invitations, party favor tags, banners, thank you cards, cupcake toppers, and more.
Not only that but you will find crafty tutus, boutique frames, and custom word blocks! Talk about one stop shopping. And we are so excited to announce that they are providing one lucky winner/reader this amazing party package to include the PDF files for:
- Invitation Design - Customized 5x7 design, available as jpeg or pdf file.
- 2" Party Circles - Customized with child's name, age and happy birthday
- 5" Party Circles-Cake Sign- Customized with child's name and age.
- Birthday party 7 inch door Sign
- Happy Birthday Banner
- Fancy Labels blank
- Favor Tags 2" - thank you for coming
- Personalized thank you cards
- Large Pennant Banner
- Small Pennant Banner (high chair bunting)
- Water Bottle Wraps

From Yours Truly At Texas Monkey Boutique you can Glamorize, Mesmorize, and Accessorize your little monkey so that she stands out in a crowd. TMB is giving away a Birthday gift for your little monkey. You will receive an Initial Hairbow Holder for the birthday girl with your initial color and coordianting ribbon of choice. A Tutu and Ultimate Bow Set in colors of your choice, And I'm also including some hair candy and jewelry! Total Value $65
Sponsor #3
At Crazy For Tutus you will find everything you need to plan and host a fabulous color filled party. From Tutus to Banners to Leg Warmers to PomPoms, this is a great one stop shop to help you pull off a great party! Crazy For Tutus is providing our special winner with a set of 4 Pom Poms in color of winner's choice. Dress up your party with these fun decorations and save yourself the work but receive all of the compliments. A $15 value. Thank you Crazy For Tutus.
Sponsor # 4
Letter Block Shop—Handmade Wooden Letter Blocks And More also known as Coutryside Sayings is the place you will want to go for that extra cute, extra personal birthday gift, shower gift, or hostess gift. Letter Block Shop specializes in making handmade wooden letter blocks--ENTIRELY from scratch! Her blocks serve as decor for kid rooms, nurseries, family rooms, holidays and more!
Wouldn't this make the perfect birthay gift or party decor? Well Letter Block Shop is giving our winner a Custom Name Letter Blocks, up to 10 Letters and in colors of the winner's choice. OMG I wish I could win, you readers are so lucky! This is a $35 Value! Thank you Letter Block Shop.
Sponsor #5
At Cupcake Couture you will be blown away by the most adorable outfits which are handmade and way too cute for words. On top of the adorable dresses you can complete the set with socks, the most amazing bows you'll ever find and more. What little birthday girl wouldn't want or need a new dress to wear to her party or a friend's party? Well you my wonderful followers and readers are in luck. Because the winner of It's My Party giveway is going to win this Pink Willow Wren Pillowcase Dress. (Available in 12-18 months, 2T, 3T, or 4T.
I so wish I could enter this giveaway, man are we taking care of you or what?!! Thank you Cupcake Couture. Oh and Texas Monkey Boutique is throwing in a pig tail set of bows to match this dress! $35 Value
Sponsor # 6
I'd like to welcome Mel's Little Zoo a stay at home of 3 monkey's and you know how I just love monkey's so you know I love this shop. It has everything a mom needs to plan a birthday party or any party for that matter, from custom made invitations to dresses for the birthday girl. So cute.
Adding to the Blogmania list of goodies one lucky winner will receive is this awesome party package that Melissa has put together for us.
- Cupcake toppers (PDF File)
- Baggie Tags (PDF File)
- Thank You Tag (PDF File)
- Party Favor Tags (PDF File)
This is a $15 value and we ordered the Ladybug Package for Monkey's 2nd Birthday Party. I can't tell you how cute it is in person and Melissa worked with me getting exactly what I wanted. And now one of you will benefit from this awesome shop.
Don't have girls or don't want Ladybug? That's ok she will swap it out for any design in her shop oh and yes she's going to customize it for your own little monkey with name and info!
Can't wait til September to have a party then go HERE to her shop or follow her HERE on Twitter.From Yours Truly:
I wanted to throw in a few more goodies for my winner to help with your party planning needs.
You'll need to video the party right?! Then you'll love this Coby Snapp Digital Video Camera?

It’s a cinch to record video and take photos with the compact, portable SNAPP handheld camera. The camera boasts a 1.44" LCD screen; 1.3MP CMOS sensor with 4x digital zoom, and up to 8 GB of expandable memory. A built-in SD/SDHC card slot allows for expandable memory of more than two hours of recording time, and the integrated USB plug eliminates the need for a cable. Coby’s camcorder comes bundled with AV cable, USB extension cable, installation CD, hand strap, pouch, and two AA batteries. Total value: $39.99.
You'll need somewhere to print your pictures of your party right?
From Snapfish, the winner will receive 50 free prints, my gift to you!
$30 Gift Card To Target for things like plates, napkins, food, or maybe a great pair of shoes for you! :)
Oh yes I'm still adding goodies! You will have so much fun at Blogmania this year! Can't wait to see you!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Talkin Tuesday Link Up
Welcome to 2sdays! Hosted by Bree Bee's, Texas Monkey and Ten Talents.
What is this 2SDAYS besides another link up and another MeMe? Well it's more than just that.
This is a fun, DOUBLE-link up, where we get to know a little about each other AND follow our new friends.
This week's Topic is Fun and Wacky! Is there a moment from the past week where you found yourself saying outloud 'I can't believe I did that!" I'm sure we all had at least 2 moments where we found ourselves laughing outloud at our self or proclaiming I can't believe I just did that or even I can't believe that just happened. If you can't find anything that made you laugh at yourself from the past week then post something that made you laugh at something or someone else.
Here is our requested rules:
- You have the choice of leaving the 2 Fun and Wacky sentences in the Link Name, (1 in the blog URL and 1 for your twitter URL) we've made it long enough where you can save yourself from writing a new post and just leave it here. OR Write a new post on your site with the 2 Fun and Wacky Sentences.
- Grab a button for your post or your sidebar
- Follow the three hostess blogs Bree Bee's, Texas Monkey and Ten Talents.
- Visit and follow as many blogs, twitters, and facebook pages as you'd like leaving lots of comment love.
- Have Fun!
Fun and Wacky Moments from the past week:
- I was emailing an ex-coworker complaining about a current coworker and how she was getting on my dang nerves. I went on and on about every little thing the current coworker does that bugs me and hit send. Yep you guessed it, I did not send it to the ex-coworker. Thankfully it didn't go to said current coworker but it did go to another coworker. I can't believe I did that!
- This past week I've felt so tired and worn out. I'm hitting the snooze a million times and then having to get up running around to get ready and out the door by 6:15am. So in running late one morning last week I sent my toddler to school in pajamas even though it was a short and shirt set in the wrong drawer and didn't realize until we were pulling in and I also forgot to brush her hair so it was a total mess. On top of that I put pink shoes with the red pajama set. She was looking like a little ragamuffin because her momma has been oh so tired. I can't believe I did that!
Blog URL link up:
Twitter or other
Friday, June 18, 2010
For You Friday - How About A Video Camera Giveaway
Now if you're new here or stopping in from one of the awesome Friday Follow Blog Hops like New Friend Friday or Friday Follow or Blog Frog Hop or Social Parade then let me tell you Friday's here are fun. It's all about you and what's more fun that you? Well maybe some giveaways, tips, things I think you will enjoy, advice, and more. I'd love to have you as a new follower but only if you are interested in crafts, DIY projects, humor, honesty, tutorials, and fun.
The only thing I request is to let me know why you've decided to follow me, that lets me know you read my posts, looked around and made a decision, not just clicked follow to add numbers, it also encourages me to come visit your blog, follow back and come back often.
I am wanting to develop friendships and more interested in relationships with my readers and not just numbers. Deal?! Good now on to For You Friday.
We haven't done a giveaway in a while and you deserve one so how about a Coby Snapp Digital Video Camera? Let me tell you a little about this adorable little device.
It’s a cinch to record video and take photos with the compact, portable SNAPP handheld camera. The camera boasts a 1.44" LCD screen; 1.3MP CMOS sensor with 4x digital zoom, and up to 8 GB of expandable memory. A built-in SD/SDHC card slot allows for expandable memory of more than two hours of recording time, and the integrated USB plug eliminates the need for a cable. Coby’s camcorder comes bundled with AV cable, USB extension cable, installation CD, hand strap, pouch, and two AA batteries. Total value: $39.99.
This camera is perfect to take along all the summer events and vacations you are enjoying this summer. So how do you win?
Simply be a subscriber of our newsletter at Macaroni Kid and you are automatically entered just leave a comment here letting me know you subscribe.
For Additonal Entries
Winner will be announced in next week's newsletter on Thursday so you must be a subscriber to find out if you win.
Hope you win!
Happy Friday Ya'll.
The only thing I request is to let me know why you've decided to follow me, that lets me know you read my posts, looked around and made a decision, not just clicked follow to add numbers, it also encourages me to come visit your blog, follow back and come back often.
I am wanting to develop friendships and more interested in relationships with my readers and not just numbers. Deal?! Good now on to For You Friday.
We haven't done a giveaway in a while and you deserve one so how about a Coby Snapp Digital Video Camera? Let me tell you a little about this adorable little device.
It’s a cinch to record video and take photos with the compact, portable SNAPP handheld camera. The camera boasts a 1.44" LCD screen; 1.3MP CMOS sensor with 4x digital zoom, and up to 8 GB of expandable memory. A built-in SD/SDHC card slot allows for expandable memory of more than two hours of recording time, and the integrated USB plug eliminates the need for a cable. Coby’s camcorder comes bundled with AV cable, USB extension cable, installation CD, hand strap, pouch, and two AA batteries. Total value: $39.99.
This camera is perfect to take along all the summer events and vacations you are enjoying this summer. So how do you win?
Simply be a subscriber of our newsletter at Macaroni Kid and you are automatically entered just leave a comment here letting me know you subscribe.
For Additonal Entries
- Become a follower of Texas Monkey blog - 1 Entry
- Tweet about it @MacKidDallas - 1 Entry
- Fan us on Facebook - 1 Entry
- Blog about this giveaway on your blog - 2 Entries
- Refer a friend to sign up with us, make sure they put your name down. - 5 Entries
Winner will be announced in next week's newsletter on Thursday so you must be a subscriber to find out if you win.
Hope you win!
Happy Friday Ya'll.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Yay You Did It - Round 6
This week I recieved 2 more cake creations from you awesome readers. Ya'll doing these has gotten me motivated to make another one. I'm thinking of doing one for Poppa for Father's Day this weekend. I think I'll do another one with the cookies and fruit this go around. But that chocolate sure is calling my name!
The first one comes from Monkey's first babysitter, Brianne. We love her and she loves Monkey so of course anything she does I think is great. She made one for the kids and staff at the school her daughter attends. She said they LOVED it! What's not to love?!
The 2nd one comes from one of my awesome readers, Tracy. She made this one for a friend and she said that she really loved it. I love tht she used Peanut M&Ms. See how different you can make each one! She also said that she's wanting to try one with the cookies and strawberries later this month so I can't wait to see that one too!
How fun are these cakes?! Have you made one? I'd love to see it and showcase it. Be sure to grab a button ladies.
Happy Wednesday Ya'll.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Talkin Tuesdays Link Up and Follow Party
Welcome to 2sdays! Hosted by Bree Bee's, Texas Monkey and Ten Talents.
What is this 2SDAYS besides another link up and another MeMe? Well it's more than just that.
This is a fun, DOUBLE-link up, where we get to know a little about each other AND follow our new friends.
We want to interact with our readers, know what's going on in their life outside of blog posts, and want to inspire them to want to know us more. So this linky party will be just that, a way to get to know our fellow bloggers, maybe even get inspired by their happy thoughts and combine link ups so we can utilize other days for those fun posts!
To link up
So Let's Begin, here are My 2 Thankfuls for the past week:
1) I am thankful for our new SUV! We quickly outgrew our car and we worked hard at saving to get something bigger for our family.
2) I am thankful for my new house cleaner. I've wanted one for years but just never was busy enough to merit one or had the income to justify it. But with working full time and my 2 part time sid wobbies (work that is really a hobby) then the need for one is great and Poppa agreed so Yay!
So what are two things you are thankful for, what are 2 happy thoughts that got you through the past week?
Link up your post and share with us and link up your facebook or Twitter for others to follow along with you. Be sure to leave comments on blogs you follow, share the love! We are all thankful for comments!
Happy Tuesday Ya'll
What is this 2SDAYS besides another link up and another MeMe? Well it's more than just that.
This is a fun, DOUBLE-link up, where we get to know a little about each other AND follow our new friends.
We want to interact with our readers, know what's going on in their life outside of blog posts, and want to inspire them to want to know us more. So this linky party will be just that, a way to get to know our fellow bloggers, maybe even get inspired by their happy thoughts and combine link ups so we can utilize other days for those fun posts!
To link up
- Write a new post on your site with 2 things that you are thankful for, a happy thought, or something good that happned to you in the past week.
- Then link up to 2 links (or just 1 if you prefer) of your blog url with the 2SDAYS post (not just your main page), twitter, facebook, etc... on one of the hosts sites, updating one McLinky will update all the lists.
- Grab a button for your post, we have two sizes for ya'll.
- Follow the three hostess blogs
- Visit and follow as many blogs, twitters, and facebook pages as you'd like leaving lots of comment love.
- Have Fun!
So Let's Begin, here are My 2 Thankfuls for the past week:
1) I am thankful for our new SUV! We quickly outgrew our car and we worked hard at saving to get something bigger for our family.
2) I am thankful for my new house cleaner. I've wanted one for years but just never was busy enough to merit one or had the income to justify it. But with working full time and my 2 part time sid wobbies (work that is really a hobby) then the need for one is great and Poppa agreed so Yay!
So what are two things you are thankful for, what are 2 happy thoughts that got you through the past week?
Link up your post and share with us and link up your facebook or Twitter for others to follow along with you. Be sure to leave comments on blogs you follow, share the love! We are all thankful for comments!
Happy Tuesday Ya'll
Link to Blog Post Twitter, Facebook, or other Link
Monday, June 14, 2010
Me Monday - Talkin Tuesday
Well here we are again on Monday, a day I just don't want to embrace or be exicted about. I sometimes feel bad for Mondays, they just get no love. BUT something I am excited about and do want to show love to and am hoping you too will embrace is a new link up to help us get to know one another better and to help look at the good in life. I know I can always be reminded to find things to be thankful for and to do it while getting to know you better is even more exciting. So I'm happy to bring you 2SDAYS hosted by Bree Bee's, Texas Monkey and Ten Talents.
What is this 2SDAYS besides another link up and another MeMe? Well it's more than just that.
So what are two things you are thankfulfor? What are 2 happy thoughts that got you through the past week?
Come back tomorrow and link up your post and feel free to spread the news so others can join in. Remember this is about getting to know you as reader and letting your readers get to know you.
Oh and if you're a regular reader of my blog and a fan of Dear So and So's, don't worry they will still be posted, moving them to Wednesdays now.
Happy Monday Ya'll.
What is this 2SDAYS besides another link up and another MeMe? Well it's more than just that.
This is a fun, DOUBLE-link up, where we get to know a little about each other AND follow our new friends.
If you've followed me for a while or at least read my Friday's posts lately then you probably know that I am really interested in developing friendships not just gaining followers. I want to interact with my readers, know what's going on in their life outside of blog posts, and want to inspire them to want to know me more. So this linky party will be just that, a way to get to know our fellow bloggers, maybe even get inspired by their happy thoughts and combine link ups so we can utilize other days for those fun posts!
So what do you need to do? Well come back here tomorrow of course and link up!
If you've followed me for a while or at least read my Friday's posts lately then you probably know that I am really interested in developing friendships not just gaining followers. I want to interact with my readers, know what's going on in their life outside of blog posts, and want to inspire them to want to know me more. So this linky party will be just that, a way to get to know our fellow bloggers, maybe even get inspired by their happy thoughts and combine link ups so we can utilize other days for those fun posts!
So what do you need to do? Well come back here tomorrow of course and link up!
To link up
Write a new post on your site with 2 things that you are thankful for, a happy thought, or something good that happned to you in the past week.
Then link up to 2 links (or just 1 if you prefer) of your blog url with the 2SDAYS post (not just your main page), twitter, facebook, etc... on one of the hosts sites, updating one McLinky will update all the lists.
Grab a button for your post, I have two sizes for ya'll.
Follow the first 3 hostess slots
Visit and follow as many blogs, twitters, and facebook pages as you'd like leaving lots of comment love.
Have Fun!
So what are two things you are thankfulfor? What are 2 happy thoughts that got you through the past week?
Come back tomorrow and link up your post and feel free to spread the news so others can join in. Remember this is about getting to know you as reader and letting your readers get to know you.
Oh and if you're a regular reader of my blog and a fan of Dear So and So's, don't worry they will still be posted, moving them to Wednesdays now.
Happy Monday Ya'll.
Friday, June 11, 2010
For Your Friday - Gift Ideas For Dad
Now if you're new here or stopping in from one of the awesome Friday Follow Blog Hops like New Friend Friday or Friday Follow or Blog Frog Hop or Social Parade then let me tell you Friday's here are fun. It's all about you and what's more fun that you? Well maybe some giveaways, tips, things I think you will enjoy, advice, and more. I'd love to have you as a new follower but only if you are interested in crafts, DIY projects, humor, honesty, tutorials, and fun.
The only thing I request is to let me know why you've decided to follow me, that lets me know you read my posts, looked around and made a decision, not just clicked follow to add numbers, it also encourages me to come visit your blog, follow back and come back often.
I am wanting to develop friendships and more interested in relationships with my readers and not just numbers. Deal?! Good now on to For You Friday. This post comes straight from my article that I publish with Macaroni Kid. It's filled to the brim with awesome stuff so if you like this post, check out the rest of the articles and because I have no shame, I'd love to beg you to sign up for my weekly newsletter. It's for moms and dads filled with activities and ideas to do together to build family bonding. PLLLEEEASSE! Just click HERE to read more articles and click HERE to sign up. Oh did I mention it's free? :)
Today's For Your Friday is ideas for Father's Day gifts that kids can make at home with things you already have or for very inexpensive at the local dollar store.
Sometimes children just don't understand the concept of giving to their parents on certain holidays. And sometimes buying a tie or another coffee mug just doesn't hit the spot for good ole Dad. So I've got some fun and easy gifts that kids can make for Dad this year for Father's Day.
So are your kids making something for dad this year? I'd love to hear all about it.
Happy Friday Ya'll.
The only thing I request is to let me know why you've decided to follow me, that lets me know you read my posts, looked around and made a decision, not just clicked follow to add numbers, it also encourages me to come visit your blog, follow back and come back often.
I am wanting to develop friendships and more interested in relationships with my readers and not just numbers. Deal?! Good now on to For You Friday. This post comes straight from my article that I publish with Macaroni Kid. It's filled to the brim with awesome stuff so if you like this post, check out the rest of the articles and because I have no shame, I'd love to beg you to sign up for my weekly newsletter. It's for moms and dads filled with activities and ideas to do together to build family bonding. PLLLEEEASSE! Just click HERE to read more articles and click HERE to sign up. Oh did I mention it's free? :)
Today's For Your Friday is ideas for Father's Day gifts that kids can make at home with things you already have or for very inexpensive at the local dollar store.
Sometimes children just don't understand the concept of giving to their parents on certain holidays. And sometimes buying a tie or another coffee mug just doesn't hit the spot for good ole Dad. So I've got some fun and easy gifts that kids can make for Dad this year for Father's Day.
- Keepsake Handprints - Simply use ordinary flour dough, which you can make at home then have your child can press their hand print into the dough. Put a name and a year on it, and then bake for several hours. Now you have a great gift for dad for Father;s Day that symbolized that particular year in his child's life.
- Handmade Cards - Definitely the easiest craft for kids to make is a card. You can just use construction paper folded in half to make your card, or you can print out pictures from your computer, glue them onto the card and color. A nice Father's Day gift that kids can be proud of.
- Decorate Picture Frames - Use picture frames from discount or dollar stores and have your kids use various paints and glitter glue that you already have around the house to make it unique and special. They can write messages like #1 Dad, Happy Father's Day, Best Dad in the World, and on top of a great treasured gift for dad it didn't cost you very much money!
- Hand-print T-Shirts - Use a plain t-shirt, all the kids in the family pick a color of fabric paint and paint their hand with it then put their hand-print on the shirt. Mom or older siblings can write special messages on the shirt, as well as put the kid's names under the prints.
- Fun Coupons - What does dad need and want? Maybe his weekly chores done, a clean car, give the dog a bath, his pick for movie night? Well, he can get all that and more with homemade Father's Day coupons! You can print them off your computer and have the young children color them.
So are your kids making something for dad this year? I'd love to hear all about it.
Happy Friday Ya'll.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Looking for Party Products Printables Store
I am interrupting our normal Thursday Tutorial schedule in order to help me find someone who does party product printables that I can order from.
Yes I know that there are about a million and 1 on Etsy, Ebay, and the internet but I want to see if any of my FAB readers have their own store or know of someone that the would recommend. You see my readers help me out in so many endeavors that I want to use their talents before I enlist that of a stranger.
So what am I needing?
Monkey's 2nd birthday party is coming up on July 31st and Ladybug is the theme this year. I was really trying to go with a ball theme as she seems to be obsessed with balls and balloons but just couldn't find any inspiration to make that theme work. Of course I'm open to ideas if you have them for a ball themed party but until then we are doing Ladybug. You see I have her 1st 5 birthday parties planned out already. I figure after she turns 5 she can pick her own themes, until then Momma has dibs. I refuse to do anything comercialized like Disney or any other characters. I know that will change after she turns 5 so until then I have the banned. Also when I do a party I refuse to pay for anything I feel like I can do myself. You can check out my monkey themed party if you don't believe me. To me that's a part of being a host, knowing your own hands "created" it. So a few things that I just don't have the programs to make are:
So are you planning any birthday parties soon.
By the way, doesn't my niece make the cutest little ladybug!
So what am I needing?
Monkey's 2nd birthday party is coming up on July 31st and Ladybug is the theme this year. I was really trying to go with a ball theme as she seems to be obsessed with balls and balloons but just couldn't find any inspiration to make that theme work. Of course I'm open to ideas if you have them for a ball themed party but until then we are doing Ladybug. You see I have her 1st 5 birthday parties planned out already. I figure after she turns 5 she can pick her own themes, until then Momma has dibs. I refuse to do anything comercialized like Disney or any other characters. I know that will change after she turns 5 so until then I have the banned. Also when I do a party I refuse to pay for anything I feel like I can do myself. You can check out my monkey themed party if you don't believe me. To me that's a part of being a host, knowing your own hands "created" it. So a few things that I just don't have the programs to make are:
- Water Bottle Labels
- Cupcake Toppers
- Napkin Ring Wraps
- Favor Tags
So are you planning any birthday parties soon.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Yay You Did It - Round 5
Wow can you believe I still continue to get emails with pictures of these wonderful, beautiful, amazing cakes? I love seeing everyone's own personality and twist on them. Keep it up!
Rustown Mom from Cannary Family sent me an email and picture of one she did. She did it for a luncheon and said it was a huge hit! Of course they are, who can resist, cake, icing, and chocolate? Well not me, have you seen the floppy arms and thunder thighs? Yep, give me more cake people!
Go over and tell her hi and ooo and aahh over her beautiful cake.
Happy Wednesday Ya'll
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Dear So and So
It's Tuesday so it's time for Dear So and So, where we get to put it out there what we really wanted to say. This has kind of become a little therapy session for me each week and I'm so enjoying it, I love reading yours and your comments make me laugh so I gather you are enjoying it too. So here we go.
Be sure to link up with Supah for Post It Notes Tuesday
Happy Tuesday Ya'll.
Be sure to link up with Supah for Post It Notes Tuesday
Happy Tuesday Ya'll.
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