There are 2 things I really enjoy doing and that's talking with God and SLEEPING.
If you ask anyone that knows me what my favorite hobby is they will all tell you sleeping. I think sleep is the most fun activity in the world. I get all giddy and excited when I know I'm going to get a nap. My bed time is no later thn 9:00pm and if I'm up later than that I immediately become unhappy. I like to get up early even on the weekends so that I can be tired enough to get an afternoon nap. I love road trips because I get to sleep in the car and I love renting movies because I get to sleep on the couch. There are pics in my high school annual of me sleeping. Sleep is one of my favorite alone time activities. I think it's one of the best things to do in my spare alone time.
The other is talking with God. I love this alone time with just the Father and I, I can spill my heart and mind with no weird looks coming back at me, no interuptions, no opinions from others, and in those alone quite moments with Him, I can be still and know that He is God. I can get clear and concerned on what actions I need to take in my life, I can get peace and understanding on what's going on in my life, and I can get mercy and grace bestowed upon me. I know that I can and do get this even when I'm not alone, but when I can put all my focus into Him and me, it's easily understood why this is a favorite alone time activity.
So what is your favorite alone tme activity?