Monday, November 29, 2010

All About You Monday

It's Time For All About You Monday!  Sorry this is so late getting up, I'm so behind and playing catch up from the holiday weekend, but it's up now and time to party!

Texas Monkey

  • Link up to your post, not to your main blog.
  • Link up your craft, DIY, project, recipe, party, or post about you.
  • Grab the button and put on your post or sidebar.
  • Enjoy visiting other post link ups and learning more about fellow bloggers and tell them you're visiting from All About You.
  • I will choose the features from those that carry the button on their post or sidebar and that visit and comment on the other link ups.

    If you decide to follow me let me know so I can follow you back

    Come Back Each Week and Party With Texas Monkey!

And be sure to come back on Dec 1 for the Big Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop 

I am one of the hosts for the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop this year and so excited about the giveaway on my blog as part of the event. The event runs December 1 to 5th and there’s over 300 blogs participating so far! I think its going to be so much fun for everyone involved!

Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop

The giveaway theme is cash and gift cards/gift certificates. If you are a shop that wants to get in there is still time! Just email me at

Just what can you win on my blog alone?  $25 Gift Certificate to Texas Monkey Boutique, $20 to Staker Sensations, $50 To Target, and $25 to your paypal account!  Talk about perfect for Christmas shopping! See you here on the 1st.  

Happy Monday Ya'll

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

CSN Review Coming Up!

If you are a pro to the blog land area then you probably are very familiar with the awesomeness that is CSN Stores!  If you haven't been made aware of this amazing online shopping place then please let me introduce you! 

CSN Stores is beyond amazing. I can't tell you how much time I've spent browsing through their sites and now I have Poppa hooked on CSN being the go to site for finding what we need for our home.  They literally have just about anything and everything you could ever need or want!  Seriously people I'm not kidding!  You need a car seat?  They got em!  You need a tent for camping? They got em!  Oh What, you need new Bathroom Cabinets?  Yep they got em!  Are you traveling this Holiday Season and need new luggage?  Well they've got that too!

You'll have to wait and see what I review but I'm loving some of these options, what do you think?

Monkey would LOVE a toddler recliner chair.

Poppa is really wanting some new knives and informed me he wants this Cleaver Knife.

And Momma wants, well everything but would love to get my hands on a Wine Chiller!  Hey don't judge me!

There is so much more to choose from, how am I ever going to decide?

Thanks CSN Stores for a fantastic opportunity!
What's your favorite item from CSN?

New Turkey Recipe You HAVE to Try!

Your dinner will be the talk of the TOWN!!

You should try this!

Sure to bring smiles from your guests!

Here is a new way to prepare your Thanksgiving Turkey.

1. Cut out alumi num foil in desired shapes.

2. Arrange the turkey in the roasting pan, position the foil carefully. (see attached picture for details)

3. Roast according to your own recipe and serve.

4. Watch your guests' faces...

May your stuffing be tasty

May your turkey plump,

May your potatoes and gravy

Have never a lump.

May your yams be delicious

And your pies take the prize,

And may your Thanksgiving dinner

Stay off your thighs!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Happy Tuesday Ya'll

Monday, November 22, 2010

All About You Link Up Party

It's Time For All About You Monday!

Texas Monkey

  • Link up to your post, not to your main blog.
  • Link up your craft, DIY, project, recipe, party, or post about you.
  • Grab the button and put on your post or sidebar.
  • Enjoy visiting other post link ups and learning more about fellow bloggers and tell them you're visiting from All About You.
  • I will choose the features from those that carry the button on their post or sidebar and that visit and comment on the other link ups.
  • If you decide to follow me let me know so I can follow you back

    Come Back Each Week and Party With Texas Monkey!

    Happy Monday Ya'll

Friday, November 19, 2010

For You Friday - Holiday Gift Giveaway

I am one of the hosts for the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop this year and so excited about the giveaway on my blog as part of the event. The event runs December 1 to 5th and there’s over 300 blogs participating so far! I think its going to be so much fun for everyone involved!

Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop

The giveaway theme is cash and gift cards/gift certificates. I am currently looking for companies and shop owners who wish to sponsor my blog giveaway for this event with a Gift Certificate from their business.
How will this help your business? We are expecting this to be a high traffic event and the buzz is already building online about it. Your company will gain exposure and I am offering a few Sponsorship Packages to give you more incentive to sponsor my blog giveaway!
The Sponsorship Packages are:
Gold Package- Donate a Gift Certificate of $100 and up. You will receive:
  • Company or Product Feature Post the week leading up to the Giveaway (300+ words, 2 keyword links of your choice, pictures, links to your site and Social Media sites).
  • Sidebar Button Ad through the month of January. You must provide me with the picture for the button.
  • Weekly Facebook Posts about your company on the Texas Monkey Facebook Page for the whole month of December and I will suggest your page to all my Facebook friends.
  • Weekly Tweets the whole month of December about your company and a link to your site.
  • Description of your business with a link to your site and a picture on the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop post.
Silver Package- Donate a Gift Certificate of $50 to $99. You will receive:
  • Sidebar Button Ad for the month of December. You must provide me with the picture for the button.
  • Facebook Post the week of the event about your company on the Texas Monkey Facebook Page and I will suggest your page to all my Facebook friends.
  • 3 Tweets about your company and a link to your site the week of the event.
  • Description of your business with a link to your site and a picture on the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop post.
Bronze Package- Donate a Gift Certificate 0f $49 or less. You will receive:
  • Sidebar Button Ad the week of the event Dec 1 - 5.  You must provide me with the picture for the button.
  • Facebook Post about your company on the Texas Monkey Facebook Page and I will suggest your page to all my Facebook friends.
  • 1Tweet to over about your company and a link to your site.
  • Description of your business with a link to your site and a picture on the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop post.
So far I have some great sponsors and some great gift cards including cash lined up so I know readers are going to be flocking to this blog to enter and I don't want you as a shop owner wanting PR and advertising this holiday season to miss out on that opportunity! 
Please email me at if you are interested in becoming a sponsor or if you have any questions.

Happy Friday Ya'll.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Yay You Did It

Well it's time for another round of Yay You Did It where readers have taken something I've done and did it for themselves. 

We have a few more cake decorators on our hands from my Decorating Cakes with NO Stress Post and I'm telling you each one that is done and sent to me is so unique and amazing and makes me want to give up my diet and dig in! 

These latest two come from some awesome and loyal blog followers and readers of mine, Corine and Lorie.  They both did amazing jobs and inspire me to make some more of these easy and stress free cakes. 

Corine's Cake with Candy

 Lorie's cake with strawberries.

I may or may not have just licked my computer screen. :)

So have you made one yet?  If not you better get busy and watch your family and friends oohh and aahh over something so easy but so stunning! 


Happy Hump Day Ya'll.

Monday, November 15, 2010

All About You Monday

It's Time For All About You Monday!

Texas Monkey

You may have noticed that Staker Sensations store is closed for vacation so we've put the giveaway on hold until Dec1 but you will want to come back for that giveaway as I'm participating in the 1st Holdiday Gift Giveaway Hop.  OMG you don't want to miss this, it's over 200 blog hosts participating in the same blog offering you amazing giveaways that are either cash or gift cards.  Talk about perfect timing for your holiday shopping.  I've got lots of cash prizes in store for you so hope to see you there.

Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop
Now for the All About You Monday Link Up.
  • Link up to your post, not to your main blog.
  • Link up your craft, DIY, project, recipe, party, or post about you.
  • Grab the button and put on your post or sidebar.
  • Enjoy visiting other post link ups and learning more about fellow bloggers and tell them you're visiting from All About You.
  • I will choose the features from those that carry the button on their post or sidebar and that visit and comment on the other link ups.
  • If you decide to follow me let me know so I can follow you back

    Come back each week and have fun with us!

Happy Monday Ya'll

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Small Business Saturday

Please leave your link and if you are offering a SPECIAL* on SAT, Nov. 27, 2010 PLEASE WRITE THAT in NAME/TITLE box, like this: 15% off entire purchase w/CODE: PPRO.

Personally I am a sucker for FREE SHIPPING, but lots of people like discounts and free gifts with purchase too. ;) 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Please leave your link and if you are offering a SPECIAL* on SAT, Nov. 27, 2010 PLEASE WRITE THAT in NAME/TITLE box, like this: 15% off entire purchase w/CODE: PPRO.

Personally I am a sucker for FREE SHIPPING, but lots of people like discounts and free gifts with purchase too. ;)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gobble Gobble

Did you know that over at BreeBee she has a mom made link up where you as a shopper can get some great deals and support some moms who make things for you?  I'm one of those shops and I'm offering free shipping to Bree's readers, just by putting in BreeBees in checkout you receive free shipping on any purchase.  I hate paying for shipping when I order something, it makes ordering something special and unique frustrating when my cart total goes up by $5, $7, $10 or more just for shipping.  So because I hate it I know you probably don't love it and want to make shopping for you a little more fun this holiday season.

I'm in the process of adding Holiday items to my TMB Store,  I do mostly custom orders and don't keep a lot of stock so I don't have nearly as much on the site as I've made and have but I do keep my Facebook updated as it's a lot easier so you can check out pics there but wanted to show you my little Turkey set.

I think he's just the cutest little turkey.  This set comes as a 3 in 1 set.  You have the brown bow which can be worn by itself, the turkey which can be worn by itself, or put them together for a bow/turkey combo.

I also do a smaller version for pig tail set.

Isn't it fun paired with my Fall Colors Tutu?  Oh what I wouldn't give to be a little girl to prance and dance around in this.

So take advantage of the free shipping from BreeBee and enjoy shopping a little more this year!

Thanks for looking, here's a sneak peak at some Holiday stuff I've been working on.

Peppermint Candy Tutu

Lollipop Clippies

Christmas Tree Clippie with Bling

Happy Tuesday Ya'll, don't forget to enter the Staker Sensations Vinyl Word Art Giveaway

Monday, November 8, 2010

All About You Monday and A Giveaway with Vinyl

It's Time For All About You Monday!
Texas Monkey

This week I have an awesome giveaway for you awesome readers.  I have been on the lookout for some unique vinyl pieces to add to my home and trying to figure out Monkey's "spot" for her to sit for timeout.  Well wouldn't you know I found the answer to both at one place - Staker Sensation.
I can't tell you how fun it was going through her store and making a wish list.  She has unique and cute sayings and decor from vinyl.  I fell in love with her Laundry Sign and of course had to have it.  I can't wait to show you my outcome for my sign. 

I also got the most adorable monkey growth chart.  You know I love this.  I did however mess it up, I applied it to what I thought was a dry painted piece of wood and when I peeled it off, my wet paint came off.  I felt like the biggest loser.  Who doesn't make sure the paint is dry?  I do that's who.  My plan is to add painted wood letters that spell Monkey's name at the top and hang it but I'm trying to figure out how to fix my mess.  I'm hoping I can just touch of the pain where it's really bad and then to the naked eye you won't be able to see the rest?  Got any ideas?  Only me would take something so adorable and mess it up. 

I also got perfect piece for Monkey's timeout spot.  She has the cutest piece for this and I just had her add Monkey's name.  I got a stool from Target and added it to it and called it a day!  Now the only problem is Monkey loves her stool and carries it around everywhere with her and doesn't get that she has to leave it in her time out spot. 

I got a few other pieces that I'm working on for gifts and I will be showing those to you soon.  I am loving them! 

Shannon has so graciously offered one of you a $20 gift certificate to her store.  Talk about perfect for the upcoming holidays.  So how do you enter?

Mandatory Entry is

For Bonus Entries 1 Each
  • Follow me via GFC
  • Like Texas Monkey on FB
  • Link up a post to All About You Monday
Leave me a comment for each one.  Giveaway will run through Friday and announced on Saturday.  Good Luck!

Now for the All About You Monday Link Up.
  • Link up to your post, not to your main blog.
  • Link up your craft, DIY, project, recipe, party, or post about you.
  • Grab the button and put on your post or sidebar.
  • Enjoy visiting other post link ups and learning more about fellow bloggers and tell them you're visiting from All About You.
  • I will choose the features from those that carry the button on their post or sidebar and that visit and comment on the other link ups.
  • If you decide to follow me let me know so I can follow you back

    Come back each week and have fun with us!
Happy Monday Ya'll

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Holiday Open House - Making Gifts

It’s officially the start of the Holiday Season since it is NOVEMBER 1st. Do you have a Holiday Entertaining Post or Tip or Idea?  Then Link it up for a chance to win $2,000 in prizes!

Last year I made personalized chargers for gifts for my mom's co-workers.  She's a teacher and they exchange gifts with everyone so that's a LOT of gifts and when you're on a budget like most of us are then that can blow you out of the water if you're not careful.  I love doing homemade gifts for people and I love receiving homemade gifts but let's be honest here, sometimes homemade gifts are well.... not usable.  So if I'm going to give something that I've made then I want it to be something the receiver will be able to use and enjoy.  These chargers hit that spot and was fun, easy, and well within the budget.  Click HERE for more details and instructions but here are a few pics. 

Do you have homemade gift ideas?  Link it up so we can see and get ideas for our list this year!

  • Please ENTER THE DIRECT URL to YOUR Holiday Entertaining post(post must include our giveaway button in it) in the link up below for YOUR chance to win the over $2,000 in prizes* – all chosen to make you the Holiday hostess with the MOSTESS!! You can link up every single day…
  • PRIZE LIST HERE on ParkerPROnline (subject to change and more to add)
  • You can enter once a day with a NEW holiday entertaining post! Feel FREE to visit the blogs on this list for great ideas to enjoy this holiday season! You MUST post this button on your post.

*All links must link directly to a winter/holiday entertaining post. Links to main pages will be deleted. All linked posts must include our giveaway button. Any posts without our button in them will be deleted. Winner will be chosen using from all eligible (remaining) links and announced on on Nov. 11, 2010 and winner will also be contacted via comment on winning post. Winner will then have 72 hours to submit their contact information to in order to claim the prize package. If not claimed, a new winner will be selected from remaining eligible links.

This is featured on almost all the dream team’s blogs, it is the same linky, this is ONE BIG prize for one winner pulled from the linky below

Friday, November 5, 2010

For You Friday - Aden + Anais Giveaway

October was SIDS Awareness Month. And Aden + Anais, a company for babies that does so much more than just sell products is a huge supporter of SIDS Awareness. They make and sell a product that improves the lives of your baby and you as a mom. They have also partnered up with The CJ Foundation for Sids to help bring awareness to moms and support to those that have lost their precious angel.

I had the pleasure of receiving one of their Muslin Sleeping bags and can I just say that immediately you will feel a difference in the quality of the material and it will stand out from any other blanket or sleeping wrap you've ever had.

From their site:
"Single 100% cotton muslin sleeping bag. aden +anais sleeping bags are designed to be worn over a baby’s pajamas, ensuring a safe night’s sleep by eliminating loose crib blankets, which can be dangerous. Muslin’s light, open weave allows a baby’s body temperature to regulate itself naturally helping to prevent overheating. aden + anais sleeping bags offer the ultimate in breathability and softness, as the more the more you wash them, the softer they get. Each sleeping bag zips from the bottom, making diaper changes easy, and a strip of muslin over the zipper by baby’s face provides extra comfort. aden and anais award-winning sleeping bags are the perfect sleepwear to follow our popular swaddling blankets."

The sleeping bag is perfect if you have a baby that doesn't enjoy being swaddled like my monkey! If yours is a swaddler then their blankets are for you and you will never go back to anything again. With the 47x47 size and the breathable soft Muslin material it's the perfect wrap for your little one.

Aden & Anais has graciously offered one of my awesome readers the chance to win one for your own. I'm thinking this would be a great Christmas gift to give or keep.
You can choose girl, boy, or neutral color classic sleeping bag.

How To Enter:

Like Aden + Anais on Facebook AND  you need to like CJ Foundation For Sids on Facebook.

For Bonus Entries:
Leave a seperate comment for each one and winner will be picked via and announced next week. 

Happy Friday Ya'll

Thank you Aden + Anais for your awesome products and your heart to bring awareness of SIDS to us all.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Holiday Open House

It’s officially the start of the Holiday Season since it is NOVEMBER 1st. Do you have a Holiday Entertaining Post or Tip or Idea?  Then Link it up for a chance to win $2,000 in prizes!

  • Please ENTER THE DIRECT URL to YOUR Holiday Entertaining post(post must include our giveaway button in it) in the link up below for YOUR chance to win the over $2,000 in prizes* – all chosen to make you the Holiday hostess with the MOSTESS!! You can link up every single day…
  • PRIZE LIST HERE on ParkerPROnline (subject to change and more to add)
  • You can enter once a day with a NEW holiday entertaining post! Feel FREE to visit the blogs on this list for great ideas to enjoy this holiday season! You MUST post this button on your post.

*All links must link directly to a winter/holiday entertaining post. Links to main pages will be deleted. All linked posts must include our giveaway button. Any posts without our button in them will be deleted. Winner will be chosen using from all eligible (remaining) links and announced on on Nov. 11, 2010 and winner will also be contacted via comment on winning post. Winner will then have 72 hours to submit their contact information to in order to claim the prize package. If not claimed, a new winner will be selected from remaining eligible links.

This is featured on almost all the dream team’s blogs, it is the same linky, this is ONE BIG prize for one winner pulled from the linky below

All About You Monday

It's Time For All About You Monday!

Texas Monkey
This Week's Theme is Show Off Those Halloween Costumes!

My little Dalmatian. 

Monkey as a Dalmatian and her cousin LuLu as Minnie Mouse. 

I did the ears for her costume.

Hugging it Out!

Attempting to Bark!

So Let's See Yours!
  • Link up to your post, not to your main blog.
  • Link up you Halloween Costumes and stories OR any craft, DIY, project, recipe, party, or post about you.
  • Grab the button and put on your post or sidebar.
  • Enjoy visiting other post link ups and learning more about fellow bloggers and tell them you're visiting from All About You.
  • I will choose the features from those that carry the button on their post or sidebar and that visit and comment on the other link ups.
  • If you decide to follow me let me know so I can follow you back

Come back next week where the theme is Furniture!
Happ Monday Ya'll.
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