Who am I? Good question as I struggle to figure that out on a daily basis. I keep changing my mind on what I come up with but a few things are constant.
1. I'm a daughter of God. That's the most important thing about me. I'm proud of that title and enjoy sharing why to people I come in contact with.
Things that tend to change about me or I haven't quite figured out yet:
- I work full time as an Accounting Specialist. What that means is I handle Accts Recievable/Payables and things in between. I don't want to be working. I enjoy my job but I already told you my heart is with my child and I want to be a SAHM. It's my life's dream and goal. Poppa goes to school full time and works full time and we need my income to help support that until he graduates and can get a better paying job.
- I am owner of Texas Monkey Boutique and hand make items and sell them to help out our household and so desiring to get to a point where it would allow me to quit my job and work from home.
- I'm a mom publisher for Macaroni Kid. I started it as well in hopes of getting it off the ground and to a point where I could quit my job and work from home. I love it and have so much fun with it and believe it will get there one day if I work hard.
- I'm unhappy with the way I look right now. I don't spend enough time eating well and working out and my 32 year old body is suffering big time. I so want to change it but when I get home after work and cook supper and feed everyone and get Monkey down I'm beyond wiped and my plans for working out go out the window. Which makes me even more sad and fat and thus the vicious cycle.
1.) Why do you blog? It started out as a blog where I could post pics of Monkey and stories about her but quickly evolved to me needing a creative outlet and place to store ideas and tips I come across to help me be a frugal homemaker but not letting my home scream FRUGAL. I want my home to feel relaxed and comfy but glamarouized and beautiful at the same time.
2.) What do you blog about? Mainly crafting, DIY projects, ideas I find on the web that help me make our house into a home as well as about my family, humor, recipes, and giveaways.
3.) What do you find to be the biggest reward you get from blogging? When someone takes an idea I had and does it and shares it with me like with my decorating cakes.
4.) How long have you been blogging? I've been faithful to it for almost a year but have had a blog for almost 2 years.
5.) Let's hear the story behind your blog title! :) Texas Monkey is my blog title and we live in Texas, I was born and raised and have a lot of state pride and we call our toddler our Monkey thus Texas Monkey was born!