Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blogmania - T Minus 10 Hours and Counting

Can you believe Blogmaina is here, well in 10 hours!  I'm so excited about this awesome giveaway party and have some pretty cool goodies lined up for you.  Not sure what Blogmania is?  Click Here for details but be sure to come back starting at midnight on Sept 15 - Sept 16 and enter to win over $260 and counting worth of prizes from my blog alone and then hop over to the others to enter to win more! 

My theme is It's My Party!  I've been throwing a few parties here lately like my Monkey Party, my Ladybug Party, and my Dr Suess Cat in The Hat Party, and Sunday I'm throwing a Jungle Baby Shower so I'm in party mode and know what it's like to need help and wanted to do my giveaway with making your party throwing endeavors easier and more fun. 

Click HERE to see all of my wonderful sponsors and goodies that I'm giving away to one lucky person.  I'm even still adding goodies from yours truly so you'll be even more surprised come tomorrow.