Sunday, August 1, 2010

Monkey is 2

Another year has flown by and our little Monkey has turned 2.  Last Year we did a Monkey Themed Birthday Party and this year I went with LadyBugs.  Over the next few days I will fill you with pictures and posts on all the details but first I want to wish Monkey a very Happy Birthday. 

Birth Day

1 Year Old Birthday

2 Year Birthday

Monkey you bring so much laughter and joy into our lives and I often find myself wondering what we ever did without you.  You make life so much sweeter and I am constantly counting down the seconds of when I get to have you run into my arms when I pick you up after work.  You have the biggest personality for a 2 year old.  You are great with babies, other children, adults, and animals.  You are shy when you first enter a room filled with people but quickly warm up and make friends with everyone.  You don't feel the need to be the center of attention and a lot of times just sit back and watch the others but you will always be the center of my attention!

Your Poppa and I will often just sit in the living room after a hard day's work and laugh and have you entertain us by your imagination.  It is amazing to watch you discover new things and soak up learning.  When we have had a stressful day, a hard day, a sad day, all we have to do is pick you up and you running to greet us melts all of that away in an instant.  God gives us the strength to endure all things but He gave us a little extra help getting over hurdles when He gave us you.  I often wonder what I did to deserve a child like you and a husband like your Poppa.  You don't know how blessed you are to have him as your dad but I will spend my life making sure you do. 

You talk non stop, most of the time your words are clear enough to where I know what you are saying.  You will repeat anything Momma and Poppa say and I do mean ANYTHING! :) You love to color and write and are working on writing your name, you have the C down pretty good.  You know most of your colors and can count to 5.  You love to sing the Bible song and you are precious and heart melting when you say your prayers.  Night time is the sweetest time for me because Poppa gives you a bath then you cuddle in the rocking chair with me and we read a book, sing 5 songs, and then you say your prayers.  I look forward to it each day! 

You are more into stuffed animals than baby dolls but you LOVE shoes, I know you get that from me!  You also LOVE to eat.  Your school tells us that they never have to look to see if it's time to eat as they have you to let them know. :) Your favorite foods are tomatoes, avacados, grapes, brocoli, and smoked sausage. 

Some of your favorite activities are jumping, playing with Maximus, throwing balls, and wrestling with Poppa.  You are obbessed with balls and could spot the only ball in a room full of squares quicker than most people could spot the squares. 

You will be starting dance in September and I'm very excited about that.  You will be taking tap and ballet on Saturday mornings.  Momma took many many years of dance and hopes you enjoy it as much as I did.  Of course Poppa is chomping at the bit to get you out on the golf course but he'll get his day. 

You are still in the 95% of weight and length and head.  You are a tall baby with the cutest pop belly.  You are loved by so many and we are all so much more with you in our lives. 

I hope your life is full of happy birthdays and Momma will do my upmost to show you how much you are loved each and every day! 

Happy 2nd Birthday Monkey.