Monday, July 19, 2010

Ladybug Party - Invitations

This year for Monkey's birthday party the theme is Ladybug.  We don't call her ladybug or anything I just thought it was a cute idea and knew I could do a lot with it.  I began last year after her 1st birthday party was over which you can see HERE.  I learned a lot from that party and wanted to get a jump on things. 

One thing I learned was to spend the money and hire a professional to take the photos.  (If you're using them for reasons like building a following for a party blog, or entering the party in contests, etc) So this year we have hired someone and I'm so excited about that.

I also learned that it's ok to let others help and do stuff for the party.  I'm the type of person that wants a professional type of party without paying a professional to do it.  But I'm not a professional so I got a little help this year that I'll share in later posts. 

In gathering ideas I just googled ladybug birthday party and so many sites and blogs and pictures came up and I started a file and saved ideas I came across that I liked in it.  Then when I really started planning it out a few months ago I already had this massive file to pull from!  Saved me a lot of time. 

One of the ideas I came across was invitations cut out to look like ladybugs and the wings opening to reveal the details.

I should have started these last year with how long they took me.  I did them before I got my cricut so hand cutting each circle took forever and then assembly was even longer but I love how the turned out and think they were worth it! 

I played around with the wording until I got what I wanted. 
It reads:
Our Little Lady is Turning 2
And She wants to get buggy with you
So fly on over to eat and play
Because it's Casey Marilyn's Special Day

The Infestation Begins at 11:30AM
A feast, games and cake will be waiting on all Buggy Friends.
We Hope To Spot You There.
Head gardeners: Casey and Shayna
Regrets only : email and phone number.

I also have the bad habit of remembering people to invite after the fact or invitations coming back due to wrong address and not having enough time to mail it again so I always make a jpeg invitation that I can email them if that happens which it already did so I've emailed this one to a few people that I had the wrong address for.

Well those are the ladybug invitaions, over the next few days I'm sure you are going to grow tired of looking at all things ladybug but it's so much easier to do in different posts rather than one big one.  Got any parties you're planning?  I'd love to hear about them.

Happy Monday Ya'll.