Friday, April 2, 2010

Dream Book Wall Decor Edition

It's Friday and you have no idea how happy I am about that.  It's just been one of those weeks.  I've had a rough week at work, gone from crying and upset to hurt then to anger and now at peace and I don't know about you but all of those emotions can do a number on you and just make you feel wiped.  But God is my strength, my sufficeny, my rock and so thankful that I have His strength, my husband's support, and my Monkey's laughter to make it all better. 
Now on to better and lighter things, since it's Friday that means it's New Friend Friday and Friday Follower  and Follow Me Friday Day so hop on over there and make some new friends and if you are here visiting from there then welcome!  It also means it's time for my Friday Dream Book posts and dream about someday doing some of these awesome projects.
This week I'm featuring ideas to dress up your walls.  Some of you may be like me where you rent for now and maybe painting isn't an option at this time but you'd still love to dress up some bare white walls.  Or maybe you have beautiful painted walls that just need some extra touches, well here are some ideas that might help get those creative juices flowing for you,  like this awesome Family Tree I mean how stinking cute would this look on your little one's wall? 

Or how about this version of a Family Tree? I've got a big ole wall that this would look great on.

Did you know that you can add Fabric On Walls?  I've done this before on a smaller scale but just may have to go big next time I do this.  I love it!

Need to dress up a wall with a Wall Shelf? How sweet is this shelf?  And who doesn't love beadboard? 

Empty picture frames is also a great wall to add jazz to your bare walls.  I've shown you these before and have done this and will be showcasing my wall in a future Dream Book Experiement Post so stay tuned.

Or how about using your kids as inpiration and photo editing pictures and print them up like these awesome Photo Art Frames

And how about a DIY knock off from Ballard's wall Art?  Again, I've recently done one and will showcasing it in a Dream Book Experiement post as well. 

And of course one of my favorite ways is this Frugal Easy Peasy Wall Art idea from Lowe's, so simple and so eye catching! 

I hope you enjoyed the Dream Book Wall Decor today, and if you were featured, grab a button on the right.  Hope you come back to see what I do with some of these. 
Happy Friday and Happy Easter Weekend to all of you, He Is Risen!