Tuesday, October 19, 2010

All About You Features and Winner

I'm having so much fun going through all of your link ups.  So many talented people in this world.  I am having to live vicariously through all of you as I'm still wiped from my Vegas trip.  Yesterday I could barely keep my eyes open at work and so when I get home I have no energy to work on my crafting to do list.  I have had to work on orders though so I'll post pics of those and of the trip later this week.  So let's see what some talented gals have done.  Grab a Button if I featured you.

Texas Monkey

Lee, Me, and The Girls shows us how we can make a free boutique style trick or treat bucket and put that $30 to use somewhere else, you know like for shoes!

Make The Best of Things has a beautiful Halloween Display that she is showing us.  I'm a sucker for the Halloween trees, I have one myself but I love how she decorated Christmas ornaments to be Halloween ornaments.  It just gives the tree an elegant yet fun twist!

I'll need to bring some fun treats to Monkey's class party next week so I'm adding Crystal and Company's Ghost Halloween Treats to the files.  These are so cute and so fun, what kid wouldn't love these, or parent at that?!

And for any great Halloween party there are great Halloween favors and I just love what The Autocrat has done for hers.  She even wrapped the Hershey bars to look like Mummys.  How Cleaver!

Do you have some Halloween Party ideas?  Link up Here the party is going on until Friday. 

Congrats to Bree at Bree Bee's random.org chose #7 and she won the Fantasy Jewelry Giveaway.

Happy Tuesday Ya'll.