Tuesday, August 24, 2010

No Nasty Chemicals Here - Eco Store USA Review

As a wife of an Enviromental Science major and a mom of a 2 year old Monkey I'm constantly on the lookout for natural products that I can use in our home.  We do what we can to go green and eat Organically when the budget allows.  Some things Poppa insists on making the budget fit for.  Cleaning products are one of those things.  We want to be able to keep a clean and santitized home all while keeping everyone safe. 
So when I was asked by the caring team at Eco Store USA to try a few of their products and give my feedback I was more than thrilled. 

If you aren't familiar with this store or what it's about let me share a bit from their website.

Our eco friendly, plant-based household cleaning products are as effective as the leading supermarket brands, and our body and baby care ranges are gentle on your skin and are simply beautiful to use. All of our products are made from plant- and mineral-based ingredients, free of toxic chemicals that bring people closer to nature with non-toxic, environmentally safe solutions that also help to reduce our carbon footprint.

I decided to try their All Purpose Cleaner priced at $9.00 and the Pure Oxygen Brightner priced at $12.00.

My Thoughts:
I admire Ecostore USA and their effort and pursuit to make the lives of others eco friendly.  I appreciate a company that wants to make my life easier and healthier so I was very happy to do try their products.

The All Purpose Cleaner has become my right hand man!  I love how well it cleans and disinfects without leaving a chemical smell. I am very happy with the outcome. We've cleaned every surface in our home with it including tubs, stove tops, microwave and even my daughter's changing table.  My cleaning lady even commented on it and is looking to replace her products with this.  

The Pure Oxygen now goes into every white load of wash.  I love how bright it makes my whites.  There's no yellowing and stains are lifted right out!  I even mixed some with some water and used on the carpet and got stains that had been there for well let's not get into that and reveal too much about my carpet. :) 

Overall Ecostore has my seal of approval and I recommend them to everyone, they have a great line of products we can all be confident about.

I was not paid for this review only was provided with the products to use.
Happy Tuesday Ya'll.