Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dear So and So

It's time for our weekly therapy session with Dear So and So......
What do you have to say this week?  Let it all out my friends.

Dear Tuesday,
Not sure why you felt the need to make me feel like it is Monday.  I for sure thought today was Wednesday but you slapped reality in my face real quick.  It's humid and gloomy out and I'm behind on my work and well you are just as bad as a Monday and for that you can go suck it! 
Love, Me hating Mondays and Tuesdays now!

Dear Self:
When you put on your calendar a time and date for a meeting please know ahead of time that you will not remember the details of said date simply by looking at the calendar and to please provide more details like who's the meeting with, where are you suppose to go for the meeting, what's the meeting about.  You know kind of key details would be nice.  Just sayin if you can't recall where you put your keys and phone on a regular basis then what makes you think you're going to remember that? 
Love, So frustrated with you!  Eat some fish oil or something!

Dear Retarded Buggies at the Grocery Store,
OMG ya'll suck big time!  First I love how I always find the ones that are locked together for eternity yet still in the line up screaming pick me pick me pick me!  Then after I've tugged and pulled for 20 minutes I finally get tired and give up and move on to the next one only to pick the one that has something incredibly gross on the handle leaving me with crap on my hands.  After digging out the sanitizer and moving to the next buggy I stumble across the one with a broken seat.  AWESOME.  Finally I find the gem in the rough and grab what I think is a winner only to get into the store and discover it needs a front end alignment in a bad way.  I make my way back to the carts grab the first one I see make a dash to get my shopping done to find I have the sqeaky wheels!  Screw it I'm just going to go home now! 
So not loving any of you. 

Dear Monkey:
First of all quit being so dang cute and 2nd of all please please please for the love of Momma's sanity can we please listen to anything else in the jeep besides "MY SONGS?"  Momma can only take the wheels going around the bus so many times in a day.  And because you're so sweet and cute when you ask to listen to your songs, it's hard for Momma to say no.  But for realz, momma needs some George Strait or Kenny or heck I'd even take Justin Beiber at this point. 
Love you!

Dear Readers:
If you haven't yet check out my new link up party on Monday's called All About You Monday, I really want to get to know you more so link up a craft or project you've been working on or link up a post on this week's theme, Are You Ready For Some Football and be while you're there enter the party kickoff giveaway!  Thanks for showing me love and support and let me know how I can repay! 

Happy Tuesday Ya'll.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Ready For Some Football! All About You Link Up Party and Giveaway

All About You Monday, Show Share & Tell with Texas Monkey

Texas Monkey

I'm so pumped about football season.  Here in Texas it's a big deal but I think it is no matter where you are.  We are die hard UT and Cowboys fans in my house!  I've been looking around for a cute game day outfit for the Monkey to wear in Cowboy colors but haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. 
However, a customer of mine knew exactly what she wanted for her little girl to wear on gamedays and ordered a Cowyboy set and a Steelers set and I wanted to share them with you. 

First is the Cowboys.  I love the new sparkly glitter tulle although I do not love glitter all over me and my house.  :)

Next is the Steeler's set.


So are you ready for All About You Monday Link Up? 

  • Link up a post that has to do with football and you.  Your tailgating traditions, favorite teams, football crafts, etc.  

  • Link up a craft post that you've done or been working on 

  • Grab the All About You Button

  • Enjoy learning more about fellow bloggers.  

  • Come back next week where the All About You Theme is Labor Day Fun! 
AND just for linking up How about a Giveaway!

Global® Lap Desk And Laptop Skin Set!

Just Link up and carry the button and you'll be entered. 
Portable lap desk creates a perfect work surface.

Fits laptops up to 17" . Measures 17.5" diagonally — overall dimensions are 14” wide x 10.5" tall (you can trim to fit easily with scissors).

Built-in cup holder included for convenience.

Matching laptop skin can be customized to fit your laptop screen. Simply peel and stick to protect your laptop from scratches.
For Extra Entries
  • Sign Up For Macaroni Kid newsletter (2 entries)
  • Fan us on Facebook (1 entry)
  • Follow Texas Monkey Blog (1 entry)
  • Follow us on Twitter (1 entry)
  • Blog about this link up party (3 entries)
Be sure to leave a comment for each entry. 

Happy Monday Ya'll.
We're playing along with these link up parties:

Show and Tell Green

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ladybug Themed Birthday Party

I'm still going through all of the pictures from the Ladybug Themed Birthday party we had for Monkey.  I thought I'd do one post that had a full recap to reference to.  Be warned it's pic heavy!  You can click on the link above for more details of each section but this post will show everything in one.

For the Birthday girl's outfit I made Ladybug Wings, blinged out a shirt and adorned it with bows, made her antennas, Ladybug Bow, and painted her shoes and put it all with a red and black Petti skirt.

Momma and Poppa dressed in red and black to match the Ladybug theme as well

Instead of party hats I opted for Ladybug Balloon animal bracelets.  The birthday girl had a special one just for her. 

If you aren't a clown (by profession that is) balloon animal videos are all over the web to show you how to make them. 

For the decorations we used red and black with touches of grass green and white.  I handmade everything I could and bought on clearance what I couldn't make.  I love throwing parties and usually plan for at least 6 months so that I'm not buying all at once and I can get good deals.

I designed and printed out signs to hang everywhere, I did 3 different sayings.

I just took little glass vases and filled with tissue paper and hot glued red carnations to the top for floral arrangement centerpieces on a few tables.  I used marabou to add little pops of color and texture. 

I made the tutu puff for my niece that my wonderful sister in law let us borrow so I didn't have to make another one and Monkey carried this around like her wand! 

We used lots and lots of balloons, tissue paper pom poms, wooden ladybugs, and other random decorations to hang around the very large room. 

I also made 3 banners to hang, and I ordered one from Vista Print.

For the Food Table Centerpiece I took sticks and hot glued small tissue paper pom poms and stuck a tutu I had made around it. It got more compliments and oohs and ahhs than I think anything at the party, well almost anything, nothing got more attention than the Sweets Table.

For the food I think of picnics when I think of Ladybugs so we had picnic friendly food with hot dogs with all the toppings, baked beans, chips and dips, and of course Ladybug crackers.

 I decorated the cups with black polka dots to carry through the theme.  We added water bottle labels and served Bug Juice! 

Here's a close up of the Ladybug Crackers.  I think these just added the perfect touch! 

I adore this picture of Monkey stealing olives off of the crackers. 

I kept it simple for the games.  We played pin the spot on the ladybug and Ladybug Spot Toss.  I painted each ladybug and cut out circles to pin on for the Pin the Spot game.  For the Ladybug Toss I cut out felt circles and glued on then added Velcro strips to make them even more sticky.  I then wrapped ping pong balls with the opposite strips of Velcro and the kids tossed the balls and tried to get them to stick to the spots.  For prizes I decorated a bucket and filled with loot for them to pick from.

For the cake I made cupcakes and a ladybug cake and presented it on a cupcake tower that Poppa and I made.  This was the centerpiece for the Sweets Table.

For The Favor Bags the kids got sent home with a Ladybug Shaped sugar Cookie, a Ladybug shaped crayon that I made and put in decorated match boxes, Ladybug Bubbles, and a bouncy ball for boys, and lip gloss for girls.  I filled bags with shredded paper for the grass look and added baggie tags made by Mel's Little Zoo one of my awesome Blogmania sponsors.  She also made the cupcake toppers, water bottle labels, and Thank you tags. 

And I saved the best for last, the Sweets & Treats Table.  This was everyone's favorite and I was nearly cleared out!  Which is probably a good thing but I sure would have loved to take some cake balls home with me.  I made cake balls, rice krispy treats, pretzel rods, and marshmallow pops which were all dipped in red or chocolate candy melts and sprinkled with decorations.  We had lots of red and black candy and cookies that were served in glass containers with cute little scoops.  Paper fans were made and hung behind the table for some extra pops of color.
I had bags with thank you tags that they could fill up and take home and fill up they did! 

I made these little garden fence props that were perfect for holding the cake pops and marshmallow pops.

Well if you're still ready this then Bless Your Heart and thanks for sticking it out with me.  I had a blast putting this together and hope you enjoyed the pictures.  I have to say thank you to my awesome mom who helped me do so much of the party, she sat up late many nights folding paper, wrapping bottles, and listening to me pitch ideas and just nodded along!  She's the greatest.  Thank you Poppa for putting up with my crazy party self.  Thanks for hanging the tall decorations and for being such the perfect Poppa for our Monkey.  Thanks to my family who helped set up and clean up, ya'll rock!  Thanks to Mel's Little Zoo for the printables and thanks to all Monkey's friends and family that came and helped celebrate her turning 2. 

I've got a few parties in the work for this month so stay tuned for what I come up with! 

Happy Friday Ya'll

I'm linking up and partying here:

mmm button