Monday, June 28, 2010

Talkin Tuesdays Link Up and Follow Party

Welcome to 2sdays! Hosted by Bree Bee's, Texas Monkey and Ten Talents.

What is this 2SDAYS besides another link up and another MeMe? Well it's more than just that.

This is a fun, DOUBLE-link up, where we get to know a little about each other AND follow our new friends. You can link up 2 urls- like blog, twitter, facebook or even etsy!

This week the topic is "What has changed since you had children?"  Do you not work now, did you cut your hair, do you go to bed at a different time, do you have different music playing in your car these days?  It can be anything, fun, serious, weird, practical.  We want to know, we want to know you! 

Here are the rules: 

  • Follow the 3 hosts. BreeBee's, Ten Talents & Texas Monkey
  • You have the choice of leaving the 2 things that has changed since you had kids sentences in the Link Name, (1 in the blog URL and 1 for your twitter URL) we've made it long enough where you can save yourself from writing a new post and just leave it here. OR Write a new post on your site with the 2 Fun and Wacky Sentences.
  • Grab a button for your post or your sidebar
  • Visit and follow as many blogs, twitters, and facebook pages as you'd like leaving lots of comment love.
  • Have Fun!
The goal is to HAVE FUN, meet new people, spread the word about each other and continue to making wonderful blog connections! We appreciate any tweeting support to welcome other to this link up as well!

So what are my 2 things:

  1. I used to get regular pedicures and have my hair highlighted.  Now I use that money to buy the monkey clothes and shoes.  I'd rather spend it on her and have found a bottle of hair color from Walmart suits me and Poppa just fine.  I still get pedicures occassionaly as a treat but not regularly.
  2. I used to always want to go out and do something, movie, dancing, festivals, anything.  Now I'd rather take Monkey out during the day to kid friendly events and come home to a rented movie and bottle of wine.  I still enjoy time with Poppa but prefer it to be at home.  We work though to make sure we go out at least once a month just the two of us and to try something new and different.  It's a push but I enjoy it when I do.
So what changed for you?

Happy Tuesday Ya'll.