Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dear So and So

Hello and welcome to Dear So and So, you know where I get to say what I wanted to say but didn't....
Do you have some?  Let me know so I can come read yours.

Dear Monday:
I am thinking that we are seeing way too much of each other and should maybe take a break, clear our heads and then get back together in a few months or so.  Sound good?
So Over You

Dear Couple at the Restaraunt Last Night:
While I appreciate sweet comments about Monkey and even a little small talk before or after a meal with the table next to me, I really don't enjoy hearing all about the messed up kid that lives down the street to you and how you have to be the parent to them because his own parents do not, nor do I enjoy hearing every story about your 5 year old grandaughter and all the trouble she gets into and how you have to threaten her.  It's really not dinner time conversation with strangers and because I tried to be so polite and listen, I missed enjoying my hot dinner and instead left over half of it.
Very Annoyed Me

Dear Poppa:
Thanks a lot for getting up and leaving me with the oversharing couple next to us to go pay the check, I saw that grin and look you gave me, I knew you thought you were being funny and leaving me to find some way to say good bye and get out of there, but you didn't count on me playing you back by sitting there and talking to them and waiting for you to return so that the elder gentleman could keep talking to you.  Oh snap, got you back!  Don't mess with a hungry Momma!
Your Trickier than You Wifey

Dear Diet:
You can thank the oversharing couple at the restaraunt for not allowing me to finish my meal thus leaving me to stick to you and stay within my calorie intake for the day.  But you still can go suck it!
Me hating but loving you

Dear Cleaning Fairy and Self Cleaning House:
I'm getting real tired of your laziness lately.  Once again the cleaning fairy got stuck up in the cobwebs and I had to rescue the flying freak and fire her and the self cleaning house feature seems to be malfunctioning because the dust bunnies are taking advantage of Spring time and multiplying faster than I care to keep up with so you too are being fired and instead I'm starting up OCD support group meetings at my house, not becasue I'm OCD but because I want a house full of people eager to clean and I want a clean house so problem solved!

Dear Cricut Expressions:
Oh how I want you, the pull and power you have over me is scary.  But know this, I will have you one day, oh yes you will be mine, until then, until we finally meet, I'll keep you in my dreams where you will be safe.
Loving you!

Dear Self:
Try to remember and enjoy each moment with Monkey, don't become a stick in the mud mom, embrace the moment, laugh, and milk it.  Remember to have water balloon fights, and food fights, and stop stressing over toys left out and make memories. 

Dear Readers:
You rock, I love your support and comments and visiting your blogs, keep it up, and what's your this week's Dear So and So?

Happy Tuesday Ya'll.