Monday, April 12, 2010

Me Monday - Taking Time to Smell the Bluebonnets

Monday's are reserved for me to blog about me.  Whether it's memories, situations I'm going through, vacations, events, or my family, I'll put it on my blog on Monday's to help my readers get to know me just a little better and to capture thoughts before I lose them, which is pretty easily and quickly lost around here these days.  So please pardon my crafting/decorating/DIY normal posts and enjoy Me Mondays with me. 

If you are from Texas or know anything of Texas then you probably know that the yearly Spring blooming of our state's flower, the Bluebonnet means pictures pictures and more pictures.  It's a tradition and very common to see cars pulled off on the side of the road and kids dressed up humoring mom for those treasured photo opps.  I've had my picture taken in those bluebonnets more times than I'd care to count and could not wait to have my own baby so I could start this sacred tradition. 
This weekend was beautiful and perfect for us to venture out and take Monkey's pics among theses gorgeous flowers.  She was very willing to pose and smell and say cheese for the camera.  I can't wait to get them printed up and framed. 

So do you have any Spring time traditions where you are?

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