Friday, February 26, 2010

Get Your Green For Your Little Monkey

Wow it's been a crazy busy few weeks lately not that I'm complaining or anything I just haven't had much time to update the blog with news, projects, and of course adorable pics of my own little monkey, who really isn't little at all, I keep telling her to stop growing but she doesn't listen.  Wow that was a very long run on sentence.  :)

I just wanted to share a few new items we have in now and things I'm working on.

First are infant Kufi hats.  These fit newborn to a year and can be worn plain or adorned with flower, bow, puffs, you name it.

Next we have Marabou and Ostrich Puffs, these come in a rainbow of colors and really just add uniqueness and jass to any outfit.

We also have coming soon our Zebra Print Daisies, these are super duper cute and come with a rhinestone in the middle.
And of course with St Patrick's right around the corner I've been working steadily on cute bows so those little girls don't get pinched for not wearing green.

I do have some other home projects I want to blog about but need to take pics, that's the hard part for me, I guess I better get busy.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


At the current time, the rate for advertising on Texas Monkey is:

A Sponsor Button at the top of my sidebar is $5 a month.

To sponsor a giveaway, it costs $5 plus the item that you are giving away which includes a write up about you and your shop.

Both a button and a giveaway is $8.

A Write up promoting your site or shop is $15 which includes a sponsor button for 2 months.

I will consider doing reviews of products in exchange for the product (if it is something that interests me.)

Sometimes, in exchange for payment, I will consider trading for a product.
Any questions email me at
If you are interested in advertising on please email me for rates at

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Valentine for You

I saw an idea somewhere where a mom did something similar for Mother's Day except the child was holding a flower.  I'm sure these have been done for Valentine's Day but this is what I did for my monkey's Valentine's to hand out to her school tomorrow and mailed out to family and friends.  However she has an ear infection and pink eye in both eyes so she won't get to go to her school party tomorrow so we'll do our own little party here at home.  Not to mention we got hit with a snow storm so they may not even have school tomorrow. 

If you can't read it, the card says "I'm just a sucker for a Valentine like you, Love Casey Marilyn." 

Hope you enjoy your Valentine's Day and weekend.